Benefits of Milk Alternatives

For the past few years, we have seen a booming interest in dairy-free options; many due to sensitivities or ethical reasoning. In either case, there are so many wonderful benefits of dairy-free options that can provide a variety of benefits that can support many functions of the body.

Jenna Bell, a registered dietitian, made this statement about milk alternatives which was posted on U.S News Health:

"[Cow's] Milk used to have no competition because alternatives were nutritionally inferior. But as research and the quality of milk alternatives has improved with new types and fortifications, other 'milks' have entered the health scene and are making their way into the American diet." 1

Most milk alternatives are made by blending the previously soaked ingredient in a blender along with water.

Almond Milk

Native to Southeast and Central Asia, the almond was introduced in California in the 1840's. Some of the earliest documentation of the usage of almond milk dates back to the Middle Ages, around the 13th century.
  Although it is commonly known as a nut, almonds are actually a fruit that grows on a blossoming tree.

It has become one of the most popular milk substitutes and very easy to make at home. (check out Dr.Mercolas Recipe  >>>Here<<<).
It's important to note that drinking almond milk is not equivalent to eating whole almonds, nonetheless, it does contain quite an array of beneficial nutrients. From them are

  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin D
  • Calcium
  •  Magnesium
  • Vitamin A

Almond milk is quite low in calories compared to cow's milk -  about 40 calories per an 8-oz glass serving.
Drinking almond milk can assist in lowering cholesterol, making it a great contender against heart conditions. This is due to the mono and polyunsaturated fats that replace saturated fats in the body. Another wonderful characteristic of almond milk is its lack of glucose and lactose, both of which is founded in cow's milk. In fact, lactose gets turned in to glucose which raises blood sugar. [2,3,4]

Cashew Milk

Cashews, in general, are truly extraordinary. They are grown in over 30 countries including India, Nigeria, and Tanzania. The cashew plant does not bear fruit until it is about 3-5 years of age. Once it has become mature, it bears a toxic fake fruit called a cashew apple. This is the "casing" for the cashew nut itself.

In regards to the "milk," it has a creamier texture than almond milk and it's perfect for making desserts and to be used in hot beverages.

Cashews contain essential minerals including magnesium, copper, and manganese.
Due to its magnesium content, it has a great effect in the treatment of migraines, lowering blood pressure, and managing cholesterol. Cashews are a considerable source of vitamin B12. This particular vitamin aids, among other things,  in mental function and benefits the immune system. It is also advantageous to bone health as a result of its copper content.

Coconut Milk

Coconut milk is very popular in the culinary scene, adding its creamy touch and distinct flavor in many traditional dishes around the globe. It is made from the meat of the coconut mixed with water. Some confuse this with coconut water which is the natural liquid found in green coconuts.

Coconut milk helps with lowering cholesterol levels and reduces inflammation in the body. It contains lauric acid which has antibacterial properties that can stop certain bacterial strains in their tracks. [8]

Like coconut water, the milk contains electrolytes like magnesium and potassium. Such minerals can aid in physical performance and boost energy. Coconut milk is plentiful in healthy fats, thus its very filling and can prevent over-eating, leading to the loss of excess weight. [9, 10, 11]

Oat Milk

It not as popular as almond or coconut milk, oat milk is definitely making a spot of itself as a substitute for dairy milk with some favorable benefits.
Just one cup of oat milk contains 10% daily value of iron, equipping the body to lower the risk of anemia. Oat milk is also pretty high in vitamin and calcium. Vitamin D helps the absorption of calcium; both of these nutrients are essential in managing and/or preventing osteoporosis. Vitamin D also has immune-boosting effects, helping the body fight viruses and diseases. [1213]

It's best to make these milks at home or find brands that stray away from using thickening agents, preservatives, or additives such as carrageenan or palmitates. Also, stay away from sweetened versions of these "milks" if you purchase them as they may reduce or even diminish some of the health benefits you seek.

  • All product reviews are based on my experiences. Please be advised that everyone may not have the same experience. I am not affiliated with any product or marketing unless otherwise noted. Please check with manufacture disclaimers prior to use of any product.
  • All advice, information, and remedies should be taken into severe consideration. Please contact your health practitioner or holistic practitioner if you are struggling with a disease or currently taking any form of medication, pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • These statements-unless otherwise noted- have not been evaluated by the FDA 


  1. I really liked your article on benefits of milk alternatives, its very useful information to all us and we as a family enjoyed it. Thank you for sharing this article with us. I recommend it for everyone to try once its a very amazing.

    dairy milk


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