About Al-Hadeeqah And Holistic Healing

السلام علي من يتبع الهدى
Peace and Blessings be upon those who follow the Guidance

I would like to extend my warmest welcome and gratitude to you. 

What is Al-Hadeeqah?

      Al-Hadeeqah is Arabic for "the garden". This is the inspiration for this growing platform; to provide you with a garden of knowledge, education, tools, motivation, and cultivation. I intend to share my own experiences with holistic living and health products as well as information from certified experts, doctors and holistic practitioners.

    There are myriad of topics regarding health which is almost impossible for one place to give each one justice. With this being mentioned,  the top focus of Al-Hadeeqah will be to yield a range of topics like Teas, Aromatherapy / Essential Oil Use, Weight loss etc... All while keeping information simple and accessible.  (God willing)

What is Holistic Healing?

Holistic healing is the process of treating ailments or disease by bringing balance to the body; taking into consideration the complete person and their environment while utilizing natural remedies. This form of healing usually coincides with lifestyle changes that continue after healing has taken place. A holistic lifestyle can be a form of preventative measures against many diseases.

Why is it important?

We live in a world where disease is widespread and education is enclosed only to those who have been blessed to pry it open for themselves. Most of us do not live to our optimum capability and have become unconsciously accepting of that. In order for us to improve and break out of this detrimental routine that we have become so accustomed to, we must educate ourselves. With that education we can use it and turn it into applicable knowledge to help prevent the onset of disease, improve our lifestyle and restore balance to our bodies and our environment.


  • All product reviews are based on my experiences. Please be advised that everyone may not have the same experience. I am not affiliated with any product or marketing unless otherwise noted. Please check with manufacture disclaimers prior to use of any product.
  • All advice, information, and remedies should be taken into severe consideration. Please contact your health practitioner or holistic practitioner if you are struggling with a disease or currently taking any form of medication, pregnant or breastfeeding.


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