Chem-Free Cleaning

Holistic living goes beyond what we put inside our bodies or directly upon our skin. Part of holistic living is to be aware of everything that will enter your environment. Among those important factors are cleaning and our cleaning products.

Cleaning can be a way of preventing the spread of certain diseases by reducing the impact of molds, bacteria, and viruses. Unfortunately, many times we look towards toxic chemical cleaners. Chemical cleaners can pose a threat to our health, especially when used incorrectly. We can become affected by chemical exposure via inhalation or direct contact.

Dangers of Toxic Chemical Exposure

 Effects from toxic chemical exposure are generally broken into two categories: acute and chronic.
Acute effects are short-term and usually take place almost immediately after exposure. It can manifest in rashes, eye irritations, swelling of the throat, dizziness or even passing out.
Chronic effects are normally caused by regular exposure to harmful substances or fumes over periods of time. Results of this kind of exposure can take years to appear, which can include damage to the nervous system or liver damage.[1, 2]

If you take a look at the warning labels of your favorite cleaning products, you will see that many of them instruct to use in a well-ventilated room and to don skin protection to prevent such effects.

Some Natural Chem-Free Substitutes

Castile Soap

This is indeed a wonder-soap! Castile is known to be used for personal cleaning and hygiene care, however, it can be used as a gentle household cleaning product. One of its greater uses is as a substitute for dish-washing liquid ( you only need a few drops!).

White Vinger

One of the most popular ways to use white vinegar in cleaning is to clean glass. You can use vinegar to clean many other areas of your home such as your refrigerator or toilet bowl. You can add a citrus essential oil to combat the smell of the vinegar when you are using it for cleaning.

The acidity level in vinegar gives it the ability to cleanse and remove build-up. Because of its acidic nature, you will want to dilute the vinegar with water or other cleaning combinations so it does not leave stains or other damages. You do not want to use vinegar on natural stone surfaces (like granite or marble) or porous surfaces (like hardwood surfaces).[3]

Tea Tree Oil

This essential oil contains great antibacterial properties, making it perfect for cleaning. You want to make sure you dilute this product as well. You can make a simple all-purpose cleaner by combining 1/2 cup of vinegar, 3 cups of water, ten drops of tea tree essential oil and, ten drops of citrus essential oil (this is optional for scent). Shake up in a bottle and its ready for use.

Baking Soda

This is one of my personal cleaning favorites. Baking soda is slightly abrasive, perfect for scrubbing rings out of the tub or stubborn build up on pots and pans. Baking soda has the ability to absorb smells and deodorize. You can shake a few drops of your favorite essential oils and baking soda in a container and sprinkle on your carpet, about 5-10 mins before vacuuming. A quick and easy way to get that fresh feeling in any carpeted room.

While you may not be able to use these cleaning substitutes for every situation, they are definitely suitable for daily and light household cleaning. If you must use a chemical based product to clean, be sure to protect yourself properly by wearing gloves, a face mask, and protective eyewear.


  • All product reviews are based on my experiences. Please be advised that everyone may not have the same experience. I am not affiliated with any product or marketing unless otherwise noted. Please check with manufacture disclaimers prior to use of any product.
  • All advice, information, and remedies should be taken into severe consideration. Please contact your health practitioner or holistic practitioner if you are struggling with a disease or currently taking any form of medication, pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • These statements-unless otherwise noted- have not been evaluated by the FDA 


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